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Sunday, November 11, 2018

Review: Nvrlnd #2

This issue opens up with Tiger telling Wendy how her dad died and how she got the scar that night. I find it funny how Wendy's like that's so sad yet at the same time so hardcore. Like little insensitive much. I'm guessing if Peter said yo Hook gutted my whole family but left me as the only survivor she'd say something like that's horrible but at the same time brutal man. Note to self never tell Wendy anything sad about your life. Later we see Hook snort some suger. Jeez no wonder he's so screwed up. Next we see George take a phone call while driving. See with that type of behavior it's no wonder his daughter is the way she is. Like everyone knows that if you're driving you shouldn't text and drive or answer your phone. Like maybe he should look at the way he acts and decide if certain behaviors of his need to change. How'd Peter find out where Wendy lived? You know anyone who pulls the crap of sneaking over to someone else's house in the middle of the night is definitely not sane and will probably murder you in your sleep. Like it doesn't matter if you have a crush on the person or are dating them that shit is creepy. If anyone ever does that to me I'll call the cops on them faster than they can say but it was a romantic gesture. Anyways we get to see a fight break out at Nvrlnd. Note to self avoid Nvrlnd at all cost bad stuff tends to happen there. This issue ends with a page that'll have you falling for the next book. Artwork was ok. As for the story could be better. I'll give this issue a 6 out of 10.

Things I learned from this issue. Going to Nvrlnd will just get you in trouble. I mean no wonder bad stuff happens there they have a creep that goes to girls houses in the middle of the night.

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