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Friday, November 2, 2018

Review: Nvrlnd #1

This issue opens up with Peter Pan getting some action. Who does it on a pinball machine? I mean I guess that'd be interesting. Anyways next we see someone in the shadows offer Alexis better drugs than what Peter has. Um was he there the whole time just watching them pork? If he was that makes him hella creepy. Note to self next time you get some action make sure no one is in the shadows watching. Hooks stuff seems deadly not better just saying. Later on in the issue we get to meet Wendy and Tiger. Is that how all girls are when they meet another girl? Like yo Tiger get to know her before you judge her. I am surprised Wendy wasn't the mean one after hearing about the stuff she did. Hey ya that's a perfect idea there's a dangerous drug on the streets that is killing people young girls so instead of letting her have her cell phone back so she can get ahold of better if she gets into trouble you give her a pager? Does anyone else see a horrible death in her future cause that's what I see. So wait was Peter dating Tink when he slept with Alexis or did they start dating after? Never cheat people it's not a nice thing to do. Wait so Tiger and Wendy got in a little cat fight but now they're friends? I thought that was only a guy thing. I like tattoos and all but I don't think I'd ever get a tattoo from Hook. Also what's his and Peters history in this series I am definitely interested to see how they got to where they are. This issue ends with Hook being a creeper while he tattoos some chick. Artwork was good. As for the story it's ok and it's also not. Like I feel like they purposely made Wendys parents stupid. I give this issue a 5 out of 10.

Things I learned from this issue. If there's ever a dangerous drug on the streets or some killer on the lose. If your kid is grounded take their phone away and just give them a pager making it harder for them to contact you if they run into trouble. #parenting101

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