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Saturday, October 5, 2019

Review: Gwenpool Strikes Back #1

Oh I love the opening to this issue. Gwenpool careful with the pages I don't think a lot of people want you to ruin them. If you get this issue and you never take it out of the bag and board I'd suggest keeping it there so Gwenpool doesn't ruin it.

Wait is she robbing the bank so she can pay people more money to write her series? Oh ok that's why she's robbing it. That pregnant woman didn't take the money did she?

Crap Gwen don't unmask Spider-Man I don't think people want to relive the days of one more day. I mean I'm fine with it happening once and staying that way forever.

Well that's a great ending. If you want to see how it ends and all the other stuff that happened go buy this issue. It's worth it I promise. The artwork is great and the story is funny and good so I'll  give this issue a 10 out of 10.

Things I learned from this issue. That Gwenpool needs her own series again. Look at that face how can that face not get its own series.

Favorite page was when Gwenpool went out of the pages. Missed seeing those scenes.

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