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Sunday, October 20, 2019

Review: Dceased #3

Phew Batman is finally dead. Hey it's not like I wanted him to die but I feel like it would've been overkill if they'd kept him alive for three or more issues.

So Superman took all the infected and just put them outside? I mean that's what it looked like to me. Which makes me think he's stupid for not killing them instead.

I feel like they could take the next scene with Clayface and just turn it into a movie. Instead of The Blob they'd call it The Clay. So did Superman kill Clayface or is he still alive? Cause if he's not dead then that town will be the first victims of The Clay. I can just imagine the trailer now. Superman didn't save them so now they'll have to find a way to survive before The Clay kills them.

Well that's a sad ending. But lets be honest the next person to go in that barn is gonna die because of Superman. Why is he so cool again? Guy seems like a screw up and seems to be leaving a lot of "messes" for other people to clean up. Nonetheless I enjoyed the artwork and the story regardless of Superman being stupid. I give this issue a 10 out of 10.

Things I learned from this issue. That Aquaman is much cooler as a zombie.

Favorite page. When Harley killed Joker.

Second one was seeing how happy she was after. I love seeing Harley happy :).

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