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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Review: The Amazing Mary Jane #1

Ya that opening is predictable. It doesn't surprise me that Mary Jane would be on the set of a movie. Though is that all this series will be about? Cause if so I don't see it staying on stands very long.

I'm still confused on why Quentin Beck wants to make a movie about his own life. Like I know he explained it to Mary Jane but sadly I blacked it out cause I found it stupid and think he'll kill her on set. Maybe he just wants to be the villain who kills Mary Jane. 

See he says he wants to be good yet he just chocked that guy and clapped at him. Oh shut up. I'm just saying directors probably shouldn't get physical with their workers. Wouldn't be surprised if he take Mysterio to court.

That ending confused me. Why do they want to go to Los Angeles? I'm guessing they know it's actually Mysterio and not Mr. Mcknight. Anyways the artwork was great. As for the story it was good but not great so I'll give this issue a 7 out of 10.

Things I learned from this issue. Mary Jane and Peter Parker are dating again. So is Aunt May dead? Cause won't Mephisto let her die if they get back together? Or did he just decide to make it so Mary Jane can't have babies anymore. Either way I don't like their relationship and want it to end.

Favorite page.  The opening page. Just make Mary Jane think she could actually be a superhero and then kill her off. It would work. At least that's what I think.

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