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Friday, March 4, 2016

Review: Deadpool & Cable Split Second #1

This issue opens up with Deadpool killing a bunch of Hydra members. Note to self never fight Deadpool cause you'll lose. I'm sure I made a note of that one but it doesn't hurt to double the notes. We see Deadpool save a sciencetist from all yhe Hydra members... wait what the heck is going on with my comic? Is it defective? All I see is flashes of different scenes and static. Better take this copy back and get a new one that won't glitch on me. Oh hey who's that pretty lady with a goat. Wait she's Deadpools wife. Darn that sucks cause I was totally thinking of taking her on a date but I think Deadpool would kill me if I did that. Oh crap now some dude with a gun is attacking Deadpool. We find out that the person attacking Deadpool is obi-wan... woops I mean Cable. Oh hey I've heard of him. He's also in the Deadpool video game. Cable tells Deadpool that he saw the future and saw Deadpool kill the sicincetest that he saved at the start of the issue. Oh so my comic isn't defective it's Cable who's defective. We see Deadpool and Cable waiting outside on top of the sicincetest hotel to make sure Deadpool doesn't kill him. Wait how is Deadpool gonna kill him if he's right there? Oh shit who's that guy in the cool robotic looking suit. Crap Deadpool just joind the fight wich means something bad will definitely happen. Yep see this issue ends with cool suit guy and Deadpool getting in a fight that causes Deadpools gun to go off and shoot someone. Artwork was pretty good. Story wise pretty good I'll probably add this series to my pull. If i write more reviews for this series then you guys will know I added it to my pulll. I give this issue a 10 out of 10. That would have been cool to see Obi-Wan kenobi and Deadpool team up. I wonder how that would go.

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