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Monday, January 25, 2016

Interview #28 With Felipe Cagno

So last year I did an Interview with the creator of 321 fast comics. Here it is hope you enjoy :).

1: What got you into comics?

Felipe Cagno: It wasn't as much what as it was who. My dad has always been a big fan of comic books, especially the Disney ones from back in the 60s and he was the one that got me into comics as a fan and avid reader.

I pursued a career in film since I graduated high school and it's always been my main goal. However, one of my film scripts, "The Lost Kids: Seeking Samarkand", caught the attention of two producers I interned for but both said it would be impossible to bring it to the big screen without a source material first. They suggested adapting the script into a graphic novel.

So that's how I professionally got me into comics.

2: What got you into writing? What made you decide to start writing?

Felipe Cagno: I think that much like an artist is born with a pencil in hand drawing, I've always wrote stories, whether it was fan fiction, short tales or just going the extra mile at school. Since I was never good at drawing or painting, writing was the outlet I found myself capable of exercising my need of storytelling. Even then, when I went to film school, I wanted to be a director more than a writer.

But in order to be able to direct, I needed to write my own stuff, it was a pretty quick sidestep to writing more and directing less in the long run.

3: How'dyou come up with the idea for 321 fast comics volume 1?

Felipe Cagno: I was driving home from my first comic con as a professional in Brazil and it was a 5 hour drive or something. All I could think of was that I wanted to do another comic quick instead of spending north of three years like it happened with the Lost Kids. I decided to do an anthology involving several artists working simultaneously to cut production time.

With that decision behind me, it was time to figure out what would link all the stories together. Rather than doing a one genre anthology, like horror or sci-fi, I went with the storytelling form instead to free my creativity. I had done a camera exercise at film school called "321" where we had to shoot a short film with 3 pages, 2 characters and 1 location.

I adapted the format to comic books since the location wasn't an issue and to better myself as a writer, I set myself the challenge of ending every story with a twist.

4: How many volumes do you have planed for 321 fast comics?

Felipe Cagno: Number 2 is already in the works and has been fully funded in Brazil. It will be digitally released in English on Comixology in the Fall and possibly in the Spring '16 after another Kickstarter campaign.

I have a volume 3 planned to close down a trilogy and that's it.

5: What is your favorite thing about writing this series?

Felipe Cagno: The freedom to jump genres. I love writing outside my comfort zone and doing comedy or sci-fi or even horror are very challenging for me, that's definitely my favorite thing about the series, learning new genres.

6: Do you have a favorite story from 321 fast comics?

Felipe Cagno: Not really a favorite story, but there is one that's very personal. The Pandas' story is actually biographical, lol, so that one has a special place in my heart as it features a characterization of myself and my fianceé.

7: What advice could you give to someone who wants to write a comic?

Felipe Cagno: Study it up, learn the craft. I always tell people that writing is exactly like any other profession. Without proper training, you won't be very good at it, it might look easier because it's something we start doing as a child, but the truth of the matter is, if you want to be a professional writer, you need to study, read books about it, go to school.

There aren't really shortcuts in life, even if you're naturally pretty talented, you will need proper guidance to hone those skills.

8: Do you consider yourself to be famous? If not would you like to be famous why or why not?

Felipe Cagno: No, not at all. I'm still very much beginning to build a following, especially in the US, in Brazil I already have a good fan base but that is also still growing and being nurtured with care. The only reason someone might want to be famous is to make things easier for the next book.

Whether we like it or not, this is a business, and a tough one to break in at that. Not as much as being famous help, but having people follow your work, that's imperative.

9: If you could be any character in any comic series who would you want to be and why?

Felipe Cagno: Tough one.... Batman is definitely my favorite character in comics but I wouldn't like to have my parents murdered to become him, lol.

10: Where can people find you on the internet?

Felipe Cagno: They can find me on Facebook and are welcome to do so, just put in my full name in there. I also have Twitter and Instagram, both @felipe_cagno.

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