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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Saturday story time #1

Guess what it's Saturday so that means it's Saturday story time :).

Heather: Yes wait.. Its saturday!

No it's Sunday.. didn't u know everyone goes to schools on Saturday now?

You're very pretty

Heather: Oh stop!

Lmao ok. So why'd u go to home coming with a monster?

Heather: You mean the baby

Yes that... wait you're into babys?

Heather: Yeah

Dang. How come the cops haven't found u yet?

Heather: Hahaha. Shes my baby girl.

Wait I thought the baby in that home coming picture was a guy.. did she decide to go butch?

Heather: Oh wait.. Thats my ex

Did you like totally forgot about him? I never knew he was that mean of a baby

Heather: Lmfao

I'm guessing he cried to much so u threw him in a dumpster

Heather: Totally

I see. So how's your Saturday going? Watched any Saturday cartoons?

Heather: Adventure time

I've watched that cartoon and it is pretty good. I've been in bed sick. Which has been ok.. I think

Heather: Lol.

Ya u must have got me sick. So how's school going for u? Met any cute guys... I mean babys?

Heather: Shuddup. No not really i dumped my bf all bad ass and everything ya no. But he aint a giant baby (my new one)

Ur new baby huh.. what's his name? Little jelly?

Heather: Austinn!

Where'd u find this baby? Or did you steal him from his mother?

Heather: Choo choos 20 minutes away from me lmao

Oh I see. How interesting.. I'm not into babys btw. Definitely not a pedophile

Heather: Lmao. Is this part of the saturday night story time or whatever its called.

Saturday story time. Get it right. And yes this is. :)

Heather: Yeahhbuddy!

The readers are gonna start mailing u babys after they read this. Btw what is ur mailing address?

Heather: 100 south wells street sistersville wv 26175

K people write that address down so u can mail her all the babys u don't want. She loves babys ;)

Heather: My mom works at the most haunted hotel and so i went into the restroom today and the left door was closed so i walked in anyway and nobody was in there and i just went to the other one and im sitting there and you can hear peeing or something for like 5 minutes and flushing in between in the other stall and it scared the poop out of me!

Heather: I aint a baby stealer! They can send me anything they want!

Wow I've never had a ghost scare the poop out of me right as I'm on the toilet. This is the first time I've ever heard that

Heather: It was the funniest thing ever. I mean my mom works at a haunted hotel and thats where i was.

I'm gonna have to go to a haunted place sometime and try to take a poop when I'm constipated and see if a ghost will scare all the poop out of me.

Heather: Lmao. Go to the wells inn in sistersville. My mom works there lots of people have died there.

But I have no way of getting there. Are u saying you'll let me fly on ur back all the way there?

Heather: Oh hail no! Nobody got time for datt!

Dang and here I thought we were best friends.

Heather: Were more than best friends were broos.

Wait ur a guy?

Heather: No.. We dated so hopefully im not a guy. I have a vagina its all good.

Well that's good. I was little freaked out there I thought I'd accidentally been gay once

Heather: Oh heck naw! Were buds.

That's good to hear :). I mean I can't be gay cause if I were gay the mormons might try to burn me. Cause you know they don't know how to be nice

Heather: Lmfao.

Anything else you want the readers 2 know before we end our first post?

Heather: Nahh. I dont think so.

Well u suck at ending post. Ur supposed to say bye guys we love you and will see you next Saturday. Make sure to subscribe to the blog or we will find u and send our clown fred after u.

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