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Friday, May 6, 2016

Review: New Suicide Squad #17

This issue opens up with some Russians beating up people and the people trying to talk their way out of the beating... wait really? Just cause they helped a little kid they stopped beating on them? Also the owner of the coffee shop should know it's bad to offer coffe to children. Next we learn about some team called the victory v's or something lame like that. Basically the superheros looked lame to. We see Amanda Waller give some guy a tour of all the different blocks and the inmates inside them. I think they should make a separate or ongoing series for some of the new suicide members we saw. Such as new wave or crow jane. Just saying I'd read those series if they made them. Next we learn that Harley Quinn writes love letters to herself to help herself see her worth. I always see her worth. We meet one suicide squad member who I think is also gonna be in the movie. The last squad member that the guy meets is Deadshot. Is it me or is he on some good drugs cause he doesn't seem like his normal self. Next we see the suicide squad go to some festival called the hungry ghost festival to protect some guy who I think is helping the suicide squad or America in some way. Well I have to say Harley Quinn is very beautiful in whatever she wears. Next we see Chen Ho get attacked by some deamons and Harley Quinn save his life. See she's extremely useful. Well that's gotta hurt Deadshot just got shot in the leg by one of Harley Quinns bang flag things. Who the heck is that chick that's attacking the suicide squad members. This issue ends with the suicide squad members dying. Artwork was pretty good. Story wise pretty good. I give this issue a 10 out of 10. It's good to see Harley happy again. Things I learned from this issue. Harley Quinn is extremely useful and beautiful in anything she wears. And if I could I'd write love letters to her to help her feel like she's worth something.

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