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Monday, August 31, 2015

Review: Tales From Oz #3 ( The Scarecrow )

This issue opens up with Lynessa and Zinna asking Bartleby to go and convenience the people of oz to bend their knees to the wicked witches. Don't do it man. They can't be trusted. Next we meet Tessa Bartlebys wife they talk about the mission the witches have sent him on and then they have sex in a field with a scarecrow watching them. Well he's getting the show of his life. Tessas family agrees to yield. Bartleby rides off and convinces a few people to yield but not all. Next we see him in some old mans cottage and tired. And the old man gives him a place to stay and some food. Bartleby wakes up to the village being slaughtered and almost gets killed by the old man. Kinda deserved it I mean after all he was stupid enough to trust the witches. Tessa ends up being turned into a scarecrow and being burned. This issue ends with Bartleby being turned into a scarecrow to remind him of Tessa. Oh the irony. Artwork was pretty good. Story wise good expect for the part where they did it in a field that's unsanitary. I give this issue a 9 out of 10. Well I'm gonna go have sex in a field now see you guys later :).

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