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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Review: Convergence #0

This issue opens up with Superman in... where is he? Hey you with all the eyes wheres superman? Brainiac tells superman that he's somewhere where time and space don't exist and that viral dox served his purpose. Not very explanatory Brainiac. Also who is viral dox? Any of my readers want to let me know if you know. Anyways next we see superman chained up and getting shocked. I'm gonna leave for a moment and let superman and Brainiac have their fifty shades of gray moment. Anyways superman finally gets out of the tourter chamber and meets a new Brainiac one that isn't all metal... geez my head hurts already. Anyways superman ask to go home so Brainiac shows him all the cities he has with all the different people. Superman flips out about this and destroys a bunch of Brainiacs. This issue ends with Brainiac sending superman away. Artwork was pretty good. Story wise.. um I'm confused. I give this issue a 7 out of 10. After reading this I need to take a few pills to help my headache go away.

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