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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Interview #22: With Hollie Ogden

So a month ago I think I did an interview with the beautiful Hollie Ogden. Interview is up a day late cause I forgot what day I planned it to be posted. Anyways read and check out her links after :).

1: What got you into modeling?

Hollie Ogden: When I was about 13 I had dreams of becoming a model.  A friend and I went to a few modeling calls where young girls would line up hoping to get discovered.  I realized they wanted money and held off against going forward with it.
Fast forward ten years later a woman saw my profile picture on myspace and asked me to come model at a photography class.  That class made me more confident and molded me into a better model.  I ended up submitting my modeling info and now I'm represented by 4 different modeling agencies.

2: How long have you been modeling?

Hollie Ogden: 6 years.

3: Have you won any awards?

Hollie Ogden: I won 2014 sexiest Cosplay with Detroit Fanfare.  I was dressed up as catwoman.

4: Have you met many friends through modeling or anyone famous or interesting?

Hollie Ogden: You meet interesting people in this line of work.  I've become very close to the photographers I've worked with as well as other models.  As far as celebrities go I've met Jeremy Shada, Brian O'Halloran, Dan Fogler, and many amazingly talented artists along the way.

5: Is this something you'd do for the rest of your life?

Hollie Ogden: If it was a possibility yes.. We will see what life has in store for me, but this has been a crazy fun ride so far.

6: Do you do anything else besides modeling?

Hollie Ogden: I do! I like to be diverse.  I'm a Massage Therapist, Esthetician, and also go to school to be a Veterinary Technician.  I dabble in art by painting every now and then as well.

7: Do you consider yourself to be famous? If not would you love to be famous and why?

Hollie Ogden: I don't consider myself to be famous.  I don't focus heavily on becoming famous, but if my modeling took off more and I received more recognition that would be great.

8: Has your modeling ever got you featured in a magazine or a site?

Hollie Ogden: Yes, this year I was on the cover of Real Detroit Weekly twice and on the cover of Metro Times Detroit once.  I was also a featured model on the public access show Michigan Sights & Sounds.

9: What is your favorite part about modeling? Is there anything you hate about it?

Hollie Ogden: My favorite part about modeling is it has allowed me to meet wonderful people I may have never met otherwise.

There's nothing I hate about modeling.  Sometimes you have long days and hold uncomfortable modeling poses over and over, but it's worth it.

10: What advice could you give to someone who wants to get into modeling?

Hollie Ogden: I would say if someone is serious about modeling they need to work with good photographers and develop a portfolio.  If you want to be represented by agencies make a resume and have headshots taken. Look up local respectable businesses in your area and find out what their requirements are.

11: Do you have a model who has inspired you? If so who and why?

Hollie Ogden: I like Kate Moss because she defied what the normal standard was for models and opened a door for those who didn't necessarily fit the mold that once was.

12: If you could date any actor who would you date and why?

Hollie Ogden: I've always had a thing for Leonardo Dicaprio.  I love a guy that's motivated and full of talent.  He's an amazing actor.

13: Where can people find you on the internet?

Hollie Ogden: Tweet me-www.twitter.com/hollieo12 Facebook- www.facebook.com/hollieo12

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