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Monday, September 7, 2015

Review: Brandi Bare #1

This issue opens up with some girls having a pillow fight. Is this really what girls do in their spare time when they're all alone in a room together? Anyways some bear sarts talking to us. Wait am I high or something teady bears aren't able to talk. Next we see Brandi talking to her friend Xian about college. We also meet Brandis dad who watches porn even when his daughter is in the house. No wonder the mother isn't around I assume that's why. Anyways Brandis dad goes to the college and fixs a bookshelf. Oh wow they pretty much used their friend Rosie to suduce him into letting Brandi stay there. If you ask me Brandis dad is a creep I mean he watches porn with her talking teady bear while she's in the house so I'm guessing he probably does other stuff with it to. Next we meet Alice a fat chick who basically annoys the heck out of some emo chick. I'd probably run out of the room if I were her. Anyways the emo chick goes and buys some potion to use on Brandi and Xian. This issue ends with her opening the lid only to have the potion take her clothes off. Artwork was pretty good. Story wise seemed like something you'd read if you were out of your gored but in some ways good. I give this issue a 9 out of 10. Remember if you buy some weird potion make sure it won't take all your clothes off before you use it.

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