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Monday, July 20, 2015

Review: Harley Quinn #8

This issue opens up with Harley and Tony selling some rings to a guy at a pawn shop or something. The owner notices that the rings have been stolen and decides to down the price. Geez Harley is lucky. Wait really now some guys are trying to rob the shop. Holy shit Harley just killed their asses. Just shows you how badass she is and that she knows how to defend herself. Next we see Harley go to the roller derby and kick ass. What the hell Big Bertha why you knocking Harley Quinn out? Yes Harley Quinn killed her. See badass. Then we see that Tony built a machine just to throw shit around town. Not even joking it's actual shit. This issue ends with Harley throwing some guy with the shit thrower into a blimp then being choped up by plane rotors. Artwork was great. I give this issue a 10 out of 10. Killer Kwinn is a good name but Quinnzilla is a cute name :).

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