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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Review: Blackcross #2

So in this issue Rob Benton receives an exploding box in the mail. Wait what the hell are formic ethers? No I'm neing serious I have no clue what they are. Lady Satan gets a drink at a bar. Which the bar keeper should have known something was wrong since first she got there earlier then she normally does and second didn't know what her regular order was. Next Bart gets a call saying that Rob is in the hospital. Well no duh. You guys can't seem to do your job. We also get to see some lady doctor tell a lady cop when she's putting her tapon in... wait wtf? I know this chick is doctor but does she have to explain everything she's doing? Also is that really how chicks talk in the bathroom? Who thought this would be good to have in the comic in the first place? Like does she explain everything. Ok now I'm putting it inside me. This issue ends with an fbi agent or marshal getting in a car wreck and getting his eyes gouged out. Artwork was ok. I give this issue a 7 out of 10. Remember if you're a chick and going to put a tapon in just let everyone know. I'm sure they'll want to know that... not.

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