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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Review: Plasmatic #1

So in this issue we meet our main character Stanley Stickler. We also meet Wendell the high comic shop owner... I think the person who wrote this book might have been high to. Anyways Stanley Stickler is an actor who seems to think very highly of himself. He ends up dressing as Plasmatic who wears all purple... I think this is hinting that he's gay. Anyways some frog guy trashes munniebucks office... wait really that's his name? Anyways the frog guy doesn't like him hurting animals... so he's basically everyone in peta combined into one person. Stanley Stickler gets struck by some vaporizing lighting caused by frog... wait how did that not vaporiz him? We saw it Vaporiz a rabbit earlier so why is he not dead? This turns double s into plasmatic... bullshit! After This he basically takes down crime... hold up the basketball player he takes down has a ball blow up in his face so how does that not kill him? This issue ends with... screw it this book doesn't make sense at all. Artwork was not good kinda looks like it was stolen from an old computer game. I give this issue a 3 out of 10.

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